Step into the Circle: Dance with Us at the Pow Wow!

Dancing at the Niagara Regional Native Centre's 10th Annual Nurturing Our Roots Traditional Pow Wow is more ​than just a performance—it's a powerful way to honor our traditions, connect with the community, and celebrate ​our shared heritage. By sharing your talents in this sacred space, you become a vital part of an event that uplifts ​and preserves Indigenous culture. Whether you're an experienced dancer or new to the circle, your participation ​will inspire others and help make this celebration unforgettable. Join us in dancing our stories and keeping our ​culture alive!

Dancer registration is now open!

Registration closes at 1pm on day of event

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Dancer parking information coming soon!

This is a Drug & Alcohol-Free Event

The Niagara Regional Native Centre's 10th Annual Nurturing Our Roots Traditional Pow Wow is a family-​oriented gathering. Our goal is to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for all attendees, free from ​drugs, alcohol, harassment, abuse, and any form of discrimination. All drugs and alcohol are strictly ​prohibited. Your cooperation ensures that everyone can enjoy the event in a respectful and secure ​atmosphere.

Please note that media representatives will be present during this event, and photos or videos may be ​taken. By attending, you consent to the possibility of appearing in event-related media coverage. If you ​prefer not to be photographed, please inform the event organizers upon arrival. Thank you for your ​understanding. The Niagara Regional Native Centre and the Meridian Centre will not be held responsible ​for any accidents or injuries sustained while on the premises or while participating in the Powwow that ​may occur through negligence by the individual, spectators, friends or relatives.

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Quick Links

Event Poster - Coming Soon!

Event Program - Coming Soon!

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Thank you to our Sponsors

Dillons Consulting ​Limited

Walker Industries

Ontario Power ​Generation

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